
1. What is a clipart?

Design cliparts are a list of the cliparts which you prepare for users use. They can add them to a product with one click. Even you can set clipart for a product for selling directly without adding to a design. Click HERE to watch the video about Templates & Cliparts in Lumise.

2. All Cliparts

From the Dashboard, click on Cliparts > All Cliparts.

This is where you manage all of your existed cliparts. In this area, you can see the clipart stages thumbnail, name, and status.

  • Add New Clipart: Instantly add a new or multiple cliparts.

  • Bulk Actions: Multiple actions apply to your selected cliparts.

  • Filter: Sort your cliparts with category and created date.

  • Search: Quick search with keywords.

  • Status: Active/ Deactive cliparts similar to hide/unhide them on the design editor.

3. Add New Clipart

From the Dashboard, click on Cliparts > Add New Clipart.

  • Name: The name of clipart for displaying.

  • Categories: Select one or more relevant categories to which clipart belong to.

  • Tags: Add tags for the clipart.

  • Upload design file: The clipart file, we support all media and SVG for clipart.

  • Price: base price for this clipart. The Product Price will increase if users use this clipart.

  • Featured: Put clipart into the featured clipart items list

  • Active: Enable/Disable clipart on front-end.

By entering the clipart keywords and categories properly. Your users can fastly search and sort items.

After filling in your content. Press the SAVE CLIPART button to store data.

4. Add Multiple Cliparts

Please follow this guide to add multiple cliparts.

1. From the Dashboard, click on Cliparts > All Cliparts > Add multiple Cliparts.

2. Set relevant Categories, Tags, and Price for a bundle of cliparts.

3, Select or drag your files on the Upload Cliparts box to complete.

Last updated

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